Kathrin Stalder _________________________Bruno Morandi
Nikole Franke_______________________Patrick Lützelschwab
Rose Thurow
Cornelia Blum-Sattler__________________________Marie Verne
____________________ Ulrike Apriessning-Verne
Aga Gemeinde____________________Kacper Ehe
Kamila Vertrauen___________________Laura Familie
Natalia ich liebe____________________Oskar Solidarität
Olivia lieben_______________________Wika ich mag dich
Ana Reyes Solanes____________________________Carolina
Carolina Christmas____________________________Carolina
Valentinas Bombing, urban knitters Madrid
Isaac Mathontsi Umenzi. maker__Isineke_______________________________Justine Watterson Lux Lucis latin word of light
Kabelo Jade Kamaasukudu Molalatlaos rainbow__KHB bagfactory artist su'tuio newtown__Kortia Hregwayo ulwazi knowlegde
Kortia Hregwayo ulwazi knowlegde__Lucy Mashinini Bohlebahlaho the beautiful of nature__Lungani Mogale abaphile Abantu long live the people
Mahlatse Mojapelo Letlotlo treasure__Mbobisa Yoliswa Uibuntu humanity__Mduduzi Mayekana Mamellow
Monde Ncamljwa Bekezela patience__Mondi Ukukhulika freedom__Mormy Okuhle the beauty
Mxolis Mkhonto Imbube harmony_Ntsikelelo Solan Qamata begin born son daughter moher father Tranity__Obehiet klein
Chulin Wen Zhushan________________Ning say yes
Taipeh I can do better and better_______Taiwan Ning Wang
Daughter of Melanie thank you for breakfeeding me___________________Ishmael Beath Be like the moon
Let your light shine_____________________________Lona Beath Design is love
Melanie Council of sothern Indiana An artist never stops_______________Roxy Lenz
Sharon Major Zitat Eleanor Roosevelt No one can make you feel imferor__Susan Harrison Love
woman at artist talk given by Ed Hamilton 1___Woman at artist talk given by Ed Hamilton art has allowed me to travel the world
Woman at atrist talk given by Ed Hamilton Art and life is what you make it